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iPad Repair vs Replacement: Which Is Better?

Are you debating on taking your iPad to a repair store? Have you been thinking about getting a replacement instead? Picking what to do with a broken iPad can be tricky.

In less than a decade, Apple already sold more than 360 million iPads. Due to the high demand, getting your iPad replaced at an official store isn’t much of a hassle.

But should you replace the whole device or simply get it repaired? Which option benefits you the most and which one is more affordable?

Below is our quick guide on whether you should opt for iPad repair or replacement.

1. Check Your iPad Warranty Before Anything Else

Before you get your iPad repaired, check your warranties first. You may not remember that you got an AppleCare+ warranty for your iPad when you bought it. You can go to Apple’s Warranty Status page online to check.

Having an AppleCare warranty can save you money on getting repairs for your tablet. AppleCare+ is an extended warranty for Apple devices. Apple could also send temporary devices for you to use while they are fixing your iPad.

If your warranty isn’t expired yet, great! Take advantage of it. If it has, you may need to look for other options.

2. Consider the Costs of Repair vs Replacement

If you’re on a budget, your focus will be on which of the two will save you more money. Even if you aren’t on a budget, you should still consider this. Is the price of a replacement going to be worth it?

Depending on how damaged your device is, it could be. If the damage is something as common as a broken screen or an iPad battery the repair fee could be cheaper. There is also the choice of Apple repair services or Seek iZeek repair services. iZeek repair services charge cheaper than Apple does.

On top of that, if your iPad’s warranty is over, the Apple repair fees grow.

When you get your iPad repaired out of its warranty, you could spend as much as $649. The lowest cost for repairs by Apple outside of warranty is $199. Apple’s out-of-warranty fees differ by iPad generations or iPad model.

Buying a new iPad has the perks of getting a brand-new model. One way to balance out your spending from getting a new one is selling your old, damaged device. It’ll sell for less but you somehow gain some money back, at least.

Take note: sometimes a new device doesn’t always mean a better device.

3. Consider Your Time

How soon do you need your iPad? If it’s the device you work with, you’re going to want it fixed and back to you ASAP. Getting a replacement can take weeks, including the shipping.

iZeek fix iPad in matter of an hour or two. That kind of time often goes on minimal repairs. Why bother waiting for days and weeks when you can wait hours for your repairs?

Screen damage is one of the most common iPad problems out there. It’s not surprising that many of our techs became experts in replacing or repairing broken screens. Since they’re already used to screen repairs, chances are they’re faster in doing the job, too.

There is also the matter of transferring all your data from your iCloud to your phone when you get a replacement. The installment of your apps can take a while. Having your iPad repaired is a simpler solution where your data will stay untouched.

If you cannot survive too long without a working iPad, your next best choice is to buy a new one. If losing a few days off of work will cost you more money in the long run, it’s smarter to buy a new iPad. Getting a new one will cost you less time.

Do note that you still need to do the data and app transfer via iCloud or Apple play store.

4. Feeling Sentimental? Go for iPad Repair

Are you looking to get your iPad fixed because it’s not charging? In cases where damage is extensive, some people may recommend getting a replacement instead. Or, they might give suggestions to buy a new one.

Sometimes, it’s not the price of a new iPad that keeps you from getting one. It could be that it already has sentimental value to you. It may hold memories or it’s simply easier to use and more familiar to you.

If you don’t want to let go of your iPad, your only choice is getting it repaired. Yet, Apple repair can be expensive, as we stated above. Despite your device’s sentimental value, it can’t be worth all that money.

Not everyone feels an attachment to their devices. Some people find it easier to part with their iPads. If you are part of the others that have sentiments over your device, make sure to take good care of it.

Get Your iPad Fixed and Going Now!

Are you in the Hamden, New Haven area? Visit us with your broken device and get a free quote. If you’re in or around New Haven County, don’t look too far the next time you look up “Apple repair near me”.

Seek iZeek get a quick online quote: How much is it to fix my iPad???

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